Humorous and satire are other great forms of sending a message.  They are often used in many news editorials to inform something in a  inderect or subliminal way.  A humorous news editorails objective is to say something in a funny way, while satire can be somewhat of a critique.  These forms of imforming can be shocking to the public eye or even be harsh a times but they still send an important message to the world.  You can find news like these below: 
Link #1
Link# 2 
This satirical image is an obvious message for  people who like to drink. By inserting the fish hook inside the bottle it clearly states that drinking in excess can make  you hooked of addicted. It makes the viewer sit down and think alittle about his or her di=riking methods and maybe try to persuade them to do something about it and give or get helped.
Here you can see how factories are contaminating the atmosphere and polluting all of our air, while maybe  all the owners or workers do about it is cover it up by selling us the product or convincing the world of how "great" of none distructive they are being.  It makes me think of all the damage that's really being done to our once fresh blue skies.

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    Imagination invasion 

    Samantha: 19
    There are two ways things can go in my first encounter when meeting a person . I can either be really shy or just plain old spontaneously awkward Sam.  Since this is the case some people have difficulty "figuring me out", what ever that means, well at least that's what I've been told.  
    So I'll make this simple. I love filmography and the  theatre, overall you can pretty much conclude I like anything art related.  I think everyone should have their usual midnight cravings to create every now and then. 
     With this said, I consider my self a gal anyone will have a fun time with once they get to know me better.   Feel free to pop a question once in a while.  

    You Guys

    Prof. Zenaida Sanjurjo
    Milibeth Arce
    Xavier vazquez
    Victor A. De Jesus Reyes
    Monica A. Alicea
    Yazmin Rosario
    Eva Farid
    Ruth Richard Pastor
    Jermarie Marrero
    Maria S.Rushing Mongil
    Josue Rodriguez
    Yonathane Rodriguez
    Mildred Colon
    Carlos E. Lugo
    Itamar Rodriguez
    Gerardo Ortiz Quiñones
    Nicolle Cabret

    Alenie Garcia
    Giselle Montila


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

