By: Samantha Olivo

If you take a look back at my blog posts, you'll find that  there seems to be a repetitive cinematic theme going on. Well it's because this is what I love and study.  I decided to write my final editorial about the on going debate about celluloid Film or Digital movies. This is important to me because my future cinematographic techniques will be bases on what ever happens with this choice in these next couple of years.  Besides this fact, I also believe it is a very interesting topic since it is obvious that everyone watches movies and knows that every day newer and newer things are being invented with all of the technological advances know a days. 

George Méliès was a great French  contributer to  early Cinema.  He was a professional magician, theatrical performer and a filmaker.  Know a days he is known for being "The Father of Visual Effects"  and the first fictional fantasist of the world.  He discovered this method by accedent when he  found out that he could use stop-motion photography to make things disappear and reappear by creating these effects.   This incident proved to him that cinema had the capacity for manipulating and distorting time and space. 

Méliès first saw a motion picture by the Lumiere Brothers and this led him to create his own movie camera after they regected his offer to buy theirs.  He then created the first Movie studio in Europe made out of glass walls.   In Méliès lifetime he made over 500 films all with fully played out scenes in which he produced, wrote, designed, and acted in nearly all of them. His most famous one being "Le voyage dans la lune"/ A trip to the moon (1902).    -IN COLOR 

Till this day, Méliès is one of the greatest pioneers of Cinema and his films continue to inspire a amuse viewers.  I believe he did wonderous abilities to create and imagine the imposible as something possible.

"I must say, to my great regret, the cheapest tricks have the greatest impact. "
-George Méliès
 "The trick, intelligently applied, today allows us to make visible the supernatural, the imaginary, even the impossible. " 
-George Méliès 
Images #1,  #2,  #3

I chose the movie A time to Kill because I think it's a movie that really makes you think.  Just one of those films that obligates you to have to make  a choice to decide what side your on.  It brings out the question  of: What would you do?

A Time to Kill is  a film about a lawyer who to defend a black man accused of murdering  two young white men who have brutely raped and beaten his 10 year old daughter, in Mississippi  1960's.  

A discution of a similar case  build up in which 4 white men were accused of raping a little black girl and set free, and the father, after knowing of the posibility that the the two boys who raped his little girl might also be let loose he decides to kill them in the court house before the trail.  

Then the layer is also being harassed by the KKK and many descitions must be made  for the sake of his life as well.  

I saw this movie a while back with my dad and it's a real thinker movie for me.  I remember my father telling me that he would go crazy if that happened to me  and that he might probably kill the men as well.  

Many questions went through my head while watching this film like:
Was it right for the father to take action by his own hands? 
First,you have the point of view of the Father who wanted protect his daughter and get them back. Then theres  the issue of the setting in which the story is based. I have to think and take in consideration the date and place in which they where in as well to be able to make a fair judge of the matter.
Then you have point of view of the mother of the boys that where murdered befor they even had a trail and the point of view of the Lawyer who must decide whether or not to defend this man and knowing that it isn't safe for him, his family or friends and what damages might be done.  

This is a great movie to watch.  This is a movie brings out the topics of race, history,  about making a descision, and dealing with conflict or consequences. 
What is actually right or wrong in a situation like this?  You decide! 

Is there ever a Time to Kill? You'd probably say one of the following:
1.  No, Killing is a Sin. No one has the right to take a life except God.
3. Yes, Only in self defence. 
4. Yes, if you believe in the death penalty.
5. Yes, of course if you happen to be a murderer, creep / psycho killer. 
But what if that wasn't the case?

As a child, I grew up wathcing Disney movies. I can honestly say I've probably watched all of there films and had them all when I was a kid.   I'd watch those movies more than once a day, that's how much I liked them.  Heck, I even know most of the words to them.  I had many of there toys, clothes, birthdays parties , was in Disney school plays, the Disney soundtrack CD's (which I still have ) and  even a whole collection of all of the little Disney action figures that where in the Happy Meals in McDonalds.  So yes, I guess you can call me a Disney Kid.  

During class we saw a documentary called Mickey Mouse Monopoly and I was surprised by what I saw.   I realized I had no idea that so many of those subliminal details shown in the documentary where actually there.  It was really mind blowing for me to see this.  I've seen them for many years now and even though I havn't in a while I believe they where an extreamly huge influence in my brother, sister and me.  After watching this and thinking back I kind of had little flash backs of when I was a child and how I acted remembered that I really believed I had to be like one of the girls in the movies  and all of that was true for me.   

I think think the most shocking things presented for me was the amount of violence in the film Beauty and the Beast that I had over looked and the topic of race in so many others for example in Tarzan.  I feel that this documentary opened my eyes to a whole different way of seeing things  and it's as if the blindfold of innocence covering me fell off. I still think that disney's main fundimental is for the sake of the child, I defenetly believe that they can work things out in a better way and not present some things in such manner.  I think this documentary opened my eyes to a whole different way of seeing things  and it's as if the blindfold of innocence covering me fell off.  The next time I see a Disney film I'll probably be more aware as to these hidden messages.  With that being said, even so I still Love Disney, I won't stop watching them.  Does that make me a bad person? If you ask me I think I turned out just fine, after all I didn't find out till now,  did I.  All the other old films have already been done. One can only strive for the future,  I just hope and think they should fix these matters that have been discussed in there next productions.   On the other hand, I most likely have been Brain Washed for to so many years, it might just be to late for me.  
Humorous and satire are other great forms of sending a message.  They are often used in many news editorials to inform something in a  inderect or subliminal way.  A humorous news editorails objective is to say something in a funny way, while satire can be somewhat of a critique.  These forms of imforming can be shocking to the public eye or even be harsh a times but they still send an important message to the world.  You can find news like these below: 
Link #1
Link# 2 
This satirical image is an obvious message for  people who like to drink. By inserting the fish hook inside the bottle it clearly states that drinking in excess can make  you hooked of addicted. It makes the viewer sit down and think alittle about his or her di=riking methods and maybe try to persuade them to do something about it and give or get helped.
Here you can see how factories are contaminating the atmosphere and polluting all of our air, while maybe  all the owners or workers do about it is cover it up by selling us the product or convincing the world of how "great" of none distructive they are being.  It makes me think of all the damage that's really being done to our once fresh blue skies.
Editorial #1: The Intriguing Case of a Baby Cured of H.I.V.
Editorial #2: Saving Cameroon's Elephants 
Editorial #3: How to Shop For College
Editorial #4: Publican el libro más pequeño del Mundo

The Editorial that had the most impact to me was one I found in "The New York Times"  called "The Intriguing Case of a Baby Cured of H.I.V." The title says it all. It was very shocking for me do to the fact that a HIV has been a deadly virus that produces AIDS and is known to have no actual cure, apparently till now.  When I first chose this editorial because I was interested in   knowing if whether or not it was actually true that some type of remedy might have finally succeeded.

The editorial is about a baby infected with the H.I.V virus and a day after being born was submitted to an aggressive treatment of drugs that eventually led to a cure.  It explains that many infected mothers are treated during there pregnancy for six weeks with intense antiretroviral drugs that can almost always prevent there unborn babies from getting transmitted with the virus. In this particular case the mother did not receive treatment while she was pregnant and her infected new born baby then commences  to receive a treatment 30 hours after it's birth.  The baby is given a three drug treatment- strength regimen during the period of 18 months and after the mother stops going to the hospital about 5 months later, now being 21/2 years old, is free of the active virus ever since.  Doctors call this a "functional cure" because though tests still show traces of the virus it is not able to replicate and spread.  

"If confirmed by further analysis, this would be the first time a person has been cured with simple drug treatments, making a lifetime of antiviral therapy unnecessary."
"If the stronger early treatment is confirmed to work, it could become the standard of care around the world."
"Even if the treatment works, the best defense against mother-to-child transmission is still prevention, which will always be preferable to treatment after an infection has set in."

I think the author was well informed and was pretty passionate while writing because as you read on you see that  research has been done about the virus, mothers and the babies that are  or have suffered this case in America.  I especially do think i learned something today by reading this editorial on this H.I.V. cured baby.  

Language: English 



2. Bang holding pictures and the ones where girls just squat down holding their hips.

3. Cars that have reggaeton on so load the whole block vibrates.

4. Everything on one of my previous blog post about things that irk me.

5. Taking the bus and having to wait a thousand years in the hot boiling sun just to get to a place.

6. Political discussions.

7. When the light or water goes out for many hours.

1. I hate it when my parent's argue over stupid things.
2. People who look like they are always high.
3. The sound of clicking a pen. The only time I could do that is because I'm bored and possibly alone at the moment.
4. People who just talk loud so everyone can hear them.
5. People that talk like they are in slow motion.
6. People who stink.
7. Liars.
8. Grumpy people.
9. Having an itch and not being able to scratch it for my own sake.
11. That my little sister thinks she's older than me.
12. Ugh, guys that just come up to you and frikken think they can hug you getting their male stench and areas all over you. Then they pick you up like a twig when all you're trying to do is have a normal walk to class.
13. When dudes have their pants exactly underneath there ass crack because I can deal with baggy, but not extreme wackiness.
14. When this darn computer frikking freezes all the time and all your work is gone.
15. People who are jealous over everything.
16. Gross kissing sounds.
17. People who say Sanz-Giving!
18. When you’re out of toilet paper, soup, shampoo, toothpaste (basically anything you need when going to the bathroom) and you've already gotten undressed and then you realize you have to get dressed again because you’re missing something and can't shower in peace! 
19. When you are excited to go to a restaurant to eat because you just want to be served that day and the food turns out to be disgusting.
20. When your alarm clock doesn't ring because you accidently put PM instead of AM.
21. Running late.
22. Small talk that goes nowhere. Why are you talking to me then?
23. People with bad breath sending their mouth fumes all up in your face.
24. Stupid ring tones.
25. That I can't whistle and my tongue doesn't do the weird yet cool flippy rollup thingy.
26. Having a craving for something and not having it at that moment or being able to do anything about it since you have no money.
27. Not having a Car.  
28. Going to the beach and getting tan. I'm already naturally tan-ish so if I go to the beach and get burnt I don't get good sun tans I just get the awful guiro look that reminds me of a damn carrot. 
29. Doing dishes and hanging up the clothes after you wash it. (I wish I had a magical wand to just poof them to their place).
30. Unreasonable people.
31. Being Boobless!
32. Cramps!
33. When my face suddenly creates a huge planet and it's moon's start to appear.
34. Anyone who says: Acho, Sacho, Lok@, Ready, Pichea, De Show, Diantreee, Raitrue, Eah Rayo, A Fuego, Enserio (with the extra Ooo's) and HELP me God I hate when they say  FUULL/ FULLETIAO! 
35. Accidentally eating an Olive hidden in food.
36. People who bother me when I'm pissed off!
37. Not being able to cook a decent real full force meal without burning it or ruining something. :/ 
38. Not having money when you need it.
39. Going to a store to buy something when you do have money and you find nothing and when you don't you do. grrr!!
40. When people talk to me in the bad type of sarcasm and sassyness.
41. Oh and forgetting something and having it at the tip of your tongue but you still don't remember what it was that you wanted to say.
The previous list is divided by social and personal things that piss me off! By classifying them I realized that it's more the things that bother me personally than the social and I guess now I know I have to work on that situation. Though, I still think that my lists are perfectly reasonable and actually some of the things on my personal list might even fall into the other.   For example: the slang words, I can't stand them, well specifically some of  the ones in PR; for others it's so normal.  I was confused because I didn't know whether  or not it was something more social than personal but then the I figured that the difference is that even though I hate some of the things on my second list I won't die if there still there.  I can live with people saying them even if they do bother me a lot.  

  1. This just pisses me off!
  2. I hate it when my parent's argue over stupid things.
  3. People who look like they are always high.
  4. The sound of clicking a pen. The only time I could do that is because I'm bored and possibly alone at the moment.
  5. People who just talk loud so everyone can hear them.
  6. People that talk like they are in slow motion.
  7. People who stink.
  8. Liars.
  9. Grumpy people.
  10. Having an itch and not being able to scratch it for my own sake.
  13. That my little sister thinks she's older than me.
  14. Bang holding pictures and the ones where girls just squat down holding their hips.
  15. Ugh, guys that just come up to you and frikken think they can hug you getting their male stench and areas all over you. Then they pick you up like a twig when all you're trying to do is have a normal walk to class.
  16. When dudes have their pants exactly underneath there ass crack because I can deal with baggy, but not extreme wackiness.
  17. When this darn computer frikking freezes all the time and all your work is gone.
  18. People who are jealous over everything.
  19. Gross kissing sounds.
  20. People who say Sanz-Giving!
  21. When you’re out of toilet paper, soup, shampoo, toothpaste (basically anything you need when going to the bathroom) and you've already gotten undressed and then you realize you have to get dressed again because your missing something and can't shower in peace! 
  22. When you are excited to go to a restaurant to eat because you just want to be served that day and the food turns out to be disgusting.
  23. When your alarm clock doesn't ring because you accidently put PM instead of AM.
  24. Running late.
  25. Small talk that goes nowhere. Why are you talking to me then?
  26. Cars that have reggaeton on so load the whole block vibrates.
  27. People with bad breath sending their mouth fumes all up in your face.
  28. Everything on one of my previous blog post about things that irk me.
  29. Stupid ring tones.
  30. That I can't whistle and my tongue doesn't do the weird yet cool flippy rollup thingy.
  31. Having a craving for something and not having it at that moment or being able to do anything about it since you have no money.
  32. Not having a Car.  
  33. Taking the bus and having to wait a thousand years in the hot boiling sun just to get to a place.
  34. Going to the beach and getting tan. I'm already naturally tan-ish so if I go to the beach and get burnt I don't get good sun tans I just get the awful guiro look that reminds me of a damn carrot. 
  35. Doing dishes and hanging up the clothes after you wash it. (I wish I had a magical wand to just poof them to their place).
  36. Unreasonable people.
  37. Being Boobless!
  38. Cramps!
  39. When my face suddenly creates a huge planet and it's moon's start to appear.
  40. Anyone who says: Acho, Sacho, Lok@, Ready, Pichea, De Show, Diantreee, Raitrue, Eah Rayo, A Fuego, Enserio (with the extra Ooo's) and HELP me God I hate when they say  FUULL/ FULLETIAO! 
  41. Accidentally eating an Olive hidden in food.
  42. People who bother me when I'm pissed off!
  43. Not being able to cook a decent real full force meal without burning it or ruining something. :/ 
  44. Not having money when you need it.
  45. Going to a store to buy something when you do have money and you find nothing and when you don't you do. grrr!!
  46. When people talk to me in the bad type of sarcasm and sassyness.
  47. Political discussions.
  48. When the light or water goes out for many hours.
  49. Oh and forgetting something and having it at the tip of your tongue but you still don't remember what it was that you wanted to say.

I just have to say that I liked all the post assignments given in class but I think my favorite one would be "Tones in a Music Box ". It's the one where I talked about what music I liked.  Everyone likes music and it's nice to talk about although at times it can be a bother just plain old predictable question to ask a person that you don't know. But since this is a blog I found it fun to just look up things that please me like music.  

If I had to choose which blog entry I put my heart into the most it would have to be "Unvalentiney To my Ears" because It made me actually try to remember every detail of that specific Valentine's day and try  to put it all down in words.  I also think it was one of the hardest just because for some reason I couldn't think of a love song I hated. I mean there are many, but it was hard for me to choose the most dreadful ones that I really can't stand. That should be easy though but, no it was hard for me. 

Now, I definitely think the most interesting blog assignments were the ones where we found out what our personality type was and our career choice because It actually made me think hard about what I would like to do in the future and find out an alternate plan incase I decide to change.  I think it really helped me a lot.  My Down Under post was interesting to me also because I really got to learn more about that special place I want to visit some day though it was a bit difficult since there weren't many books on Australia and New Zealand in the Library I went to.  It took me a great while to actually find them scattered around.  Any way this just made me want to learn more about the Far East so that I can actually plan a trip someday. 

And Finally, I have to choose my worst blog assignment, but like I said in the beginning of this entry I liked them all.  Though If I had to choose my least favorite it would be the one about the Law 54 post.  I just hate talking about things that are conflicting, since I hate that in general.  I tend to avoid these types of encounters because I have a problem with making these types of decisions. I don't know why it's just how I am but I think it was good for me to try and explain my feeling toward these types of things once in a while and thats why I liked it anyway.  Another that maybe bothered me a bit was when I had to write about problems I see in Puerto Rico.  It just made me mad to think about it since they are things that really bug me in this society, But It was good letting it all out for people to recognize them as well.  

In conclusion: This blog idea is really great I don't know why I didn't think of it before.  I have a nice time doing it and letting you guys know a little bit more about me.  

I like Puerto Rico but sometimes it just irks me.  

First: I really hate that you see so many abandoned animals in the street and no shelters for them.  Every week I see a dead dog in the road because a car hit it. The sad part is that not only are they dead but they remain in the same spot rotting for weeks and no one, no organization nothing has the decency to do something about it. At least move them away. I mean you wouldn't want to see corpses laying around every where, would you? Not many people make an effort to bring them to a vet or animal shelter, but I can understand them sometimes because you barley ever see one.  I've only seen 2 since I've lived here and they where the smallest things.    It's ridiculous what people do here to get rid of an animal.  I've seen many strange cases of animals left in the express way; it's like they want the animal to die.  I've seen two occasions where there have been a dead horse that was left for weeks in the same spot, kittens, puppies, even a rabbit once, just terrified or squashed in the middle of those high speed roads.  It's obvious they couldn't have got there alone.  Even if  it's to much of a burden for someone why leave them to die there.  Those things Irk me!Here is a link to an organization trying to help.

Second: I'm not a fan of the education system in PR, hopefully it's gotten better since I graduated.  It could be that my school was really crappy,  but I still think the reasons why is because of the Department of Education.  I think they need to provide better equipment and books for the schools.  Many schools have these problems there supplies are outdated. Here are some things ther "working on".

Third: I can't stand the way the majority of people talk here, I'm sorry, but there are just some words that I dislike.  I'm not saying I don't use curse words every now and then because that would be a lie but apparently these words are mentioned every to seconds.  And the worst part is that it's "normal" and common so that makes it okay. To be honest I'm really not found of many Puerto Rican slang, (some I can work with but frankly it just sounds stupid to me the way people use these terms).  Belive me when I say that I've tried several times to speak this way to see if the problem was me, but I just sound plain stupid and feel really idiotic. Then again maybe it is me.  Even so I hate how they sound! I'm not sorry.

Fourth: I know politics are important even though I am not a fan either but what I really hate about Puerto Rico is Election Week .  Of course every one is going to celebrate with there favorite campaigns  but over here they take it to a whole other level.  There is no order, people are all over the place it's horrible.

    Imagination invasion 

    Samantha: 19
    There are two ways things can go in my first encounter when meeting a person . I can either be really shy or just plain old spontaneously awkward Sam.  Since this is the case some people have difficulty "figuring me out", what ever that means, well at least that's what I've been told.  
    So I'll make this simple. I love filmography and the  theatre, overall you can pretty much conclude I like anything art related.  I think everyone should have their usual midnight cravings to create every now and then. 
     With this said, I consider my self a gal anyone will have a fun time with once they get to know me better.   Feel free to pop a question once in a while.  

    You Guys

    Prof. Zenaida Sanjurjo
    Milibeth Arce
    Xavier vazquez
    Victor A. De Jesus Reyes
    Monica A. Alicea
    Yazmin Rosario
    Eva Farid
    Ruth Richard Pastor
    Jermarie Marrero
    Maria S.Rushing Mongil
    Josue Rodriguez
    Yonathane Rodriguez
    Mildred Colon
    Carlos E. Lugo
    Itamar Rodriguez
    Gerardo Ortiz Quiñones
    Nicolle Cabret

    Alenie Garcia
    Giselle Montila


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013

