Editorial #1: The Intriguing Case of a Baby Cured of H.I.V.
Editorial #2: Saving Cameroon's Elephants 
Editorial #3: How to Shop For College
Editorial #4: Publican el libro más pequeño del Mundo

The Editorial that had the most impact to me was one I found in "The New York Times"  called "The Intriguing Case of a Baby Cured of H.I.V." The title says it all. It was very shocking for me do to the fact that a HIV has been a deadly virus that produces AIDS and is known to have no actual cure, apparently till now.  When I first chose this editorial because I was interested in   knowing if whether or not it was actually true that some type of remedy might have finally succeeded.

The editorial is about a baby infected with the H.I.V virus and a day after being born was submitted to an aggressive treatment of drugs that eventually led to a cure.  It explains that many infected mothers are treated during there pregnancy for six weeks with intense antiretroviral drugs that can almost always prevent there unborn babies from getting transmitted with the virus. In this particular case the mother did not receive treatment while she was pregnant and her infected new born baby then commences  to receive a treatment 30 hours after it's birth.  The baby is given a three drug treatment- strength regimen during the period of 18 months and after the mother stops going to the hospital about 5 months later, now being 21/2 years old, is free of the active virus ever since.  Doctors call this a "functional cure" because though tests still show traces of the virus it is not able to replicate and spread.  

"If confirmed by further analysis, this would be the first time a person has been cured with simple drug treatments, making a lifetime of antiviral therapy unnecessary."
"If the stronger early treatment is confirmed to work, it could become the standard of care around the world."
"Even if the treatment works, the best defense against mother-to-child transmission is still prevention, which will always be preferable to treatment after an infection has set in."

I think the author was well informed and was pretty passionate while writing because as you read on you see that  research has been done about the virus, mothers and the babies that are  or have suffered this case in America.  I especially do think i learned something today by reading this editorial on this H.I.V. cured baby.  

Language: English 

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    Imagination invasion 

    Samantha: 19
    There are two ways things can go in my first encounter when meeting a person . I can either be really shy or just plain old spontaneously awkward Sam.  Since this is the case some people have difficulty "figuring me out", what ever that means, well at least that's what I've been told.  
    So I'll make this simple. I love filmography and the  theatre, overall you can pretty much conclude I like anything art related.  I think everyone should have their usual midnight cravings to create every now and then. 
     With this said, I consider my self a gal anyone will have a fun time with once they get to know me better.   Feel free to pop a question once in a while.  

    You Guys

    Prof. Zenaida Sanjurjo
    Milibeth Arce
    Xavier vazquez
    Victor A. De Jesus Reyes
    Monica A. Alicea
    Yazmin Rosario
    Eva Farid
    Ruth Richard Pastor
    Jermarie Marrero
    Maria S.Rushing Mongil
    Josue Rodriguez
    Yonathane Rodriguez
    Mildred Colon
    Carlos E. Lugo
    Itamar Rodriguez
    Gerardo Ortiz Quiñones
    Nicolle Cabret

    Alenie Garcia
    Giselle Montila


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